Legal InSites Brings Home Two Gold dotCOMM Awards
Legal InSites is proud to announce that we are the recipient of two gold 2019 dotCOMM awards. This international competition honors excellence in web creativity and digital communication. It is one of the most-recognized and highly-regarded evaluators of creative work. Winners are acknowledged as having the best work in the industry. The competition has been around since 1994. With over 100 countries participating throughout the world, there have been over 200,000 entries.
This competition is unique in that it reflects how we successfully market and communicate products and services. The elements the judges look for in a website or other platform generate branding, customer engagement, and sales.
Entries for the dotCOMM awards come in from all industries, including corporate communication departments, public relations firms, advertising agencies, freelancers, and digital shops. The competition separates winner by categories, which include campaigns, website, website element, website creativity, mobile/apps, mobile creativity, content marketing, social media marketing, video, video creativity, paid media, owned media, online media design, earned media, and audio/radio/podcast.
The two gold dotCOMM awards we’ve been honored with fall into the categories of website and website creativity. Specifically, the website we designed for Pittman, Roberts & Welsh, PLLC, received the gold awards for legal and website copy. Legal InSites also received two honorable mentions for the Shrager & Sachs website.
Decisions for the dotCOMM awards are made by the Association of Marking and Communication Professionals (AMCP). This is one of the largest and oldest evaluators of creative work in the marketing and communication industry. It consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production, and freelance professionals who have entered AMCP competitions. Each year, their own competitions, the MarCom Awards and Hermes Creative Awards, attract around 6,000 entries.
Judging takes two full months. Entries are initially evaluated in Washington and reviewed in Dallas. Each entry is judged against itself, not other entries. Judges evaluate submissions based on quality, creativity, and resourcefulness. To ensure consistency and fairness, entries are judged at random, as opposed to being grouped into categories. The judges are experienced professionals who have industry knowledge of the projects they judge.
The awards we received are an honor because they reflect the hard work, creativity, and dedication we provide each and every one of our clients with. We will continue to put forth the same effort as we work on future projects. To see all of this year’s winners, visit dotCOMM Awards.
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