Behind the GAVL: A Spooktacular October

Behind the GAVL: A Spooktacular October

As the days shorten and the time of the year where we count our blessings approaches, we thought it’d be the perfect time to start a new blog series that highlights the team members of GAVL. Our amazing team members are the blood and energy of GAVL. In this new series, we’ll be asking our team a question and sharing their answers. They’ll share great insights about working for the company, the industry, and life in general.

Ready for a peek behind the GAVL?

Last week we asked our team to share their favorite highlights of October. Here are the answers they shared:


Ryan Raplee
Co-Founder & CEO

“October 2023 will be a month that I’ll never forget. We take great pride in maintaining long-lasting relationships with our clients due to the great work we do as a team at GAVL. Very rarely have we lost a client due to them thinking the work we do as SEOs will be better with another agency. Unfortunately, it’s inevitable and is going to happen. Last year we did lose a client who decided to work with another agency in the industry. We hold no ill will with anyone and made it a smooth transition for them. That’s what makes this month so special. That past client decided the grass wasn’t greener with their new agency, we were doing an outstanding job, and wanted to work with GAVL again. We gladly welcomed them back with open arms!”


Jason Sweet
Director of Business Development

“October was an action-packed month for our team! We welcomed numerous new website and video clients into our ever-growing family. I was fortunate to be able to attend some of our video shoots and collaborated closely with our clients to create engaging content. I had the privilege of speaking at two prestigious events – the Injury Board Summit in Big Sky, Montana, and AAJ’s BOSS Summit in Stowe, Vermont. These experiences allowed us to connect with firm leaders and share our insights.”


Lucas Hardgrave
Lead Content Writer

“October’s been a fun month for us, and not just because the leaves are falling and the nights are getting chillier (and spookier!). We’ve welcomed two new full-time writers to our team recently, and I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know them, their writing styles, and their unique strengths. I love the challenge of helping our team best utilize its strengths and better help our clients achieve their marketing goals. And let me tell you—our in-house writing team is one of GAVL’s strongest assets!”


Justin Lutz
Social Media Manager

“My highlight for October is watching our company grow, and our team become stronger. As we add more and more clients, our team is working harder and doing some of the best work possible for each and every client. I’m proud to be on team GAVL. This page may be called “Behind the GAVL” but we are all in front of the scenes for our clients. Full speed ahead!”


Caitlin Lane
Content Writer

“The highlight of my October at GAVL has been watching our team grow, expand, and improve our approach to all things digital marketing. From matching our approach to current best trends in SEO to anticipating the needs and wants of every law firm we work with, I’m truly proud to be part of such a collaborative and focused team. It’s also been an exciting month crafting intent-driven content for new clients in a variety of different locations. Every law office we work with is unique, and getting to know who they are and what they do through the content we create for them is always a new adventure.”


Rhonda Jeffers
Content Writer

“The highlight of my October at GAVL has been watching new writer colleagues welcomed on board who genuinely have a shared goal in creating high-quality, informative and engaging content that aligns with intent (gives prospective clients what they’re looking for) and thus performs well. I also have enjoyed watching existing team members evolve professionally, such as expanding their SEO knowledge to improve our clients’ site rankings. I also appreciate that GAVL’s leadership continues to think “outside the box,” developing innovative approaches to enhance brand recognition and willingness to tailor its services to meet different firms’ perceived marketing needs and budgets.”


Perry Perkins
Content Writer

“Well, as my October here has also been my first two weeks, I don’t have a lot of highlights yet. I will say that after spending 15 years as an independent freelancer working alone (like – Edmond Dantès in the Château d’If – ALONE, lol) I’d sorta forgotten what it was like to be part of a team. Even though we’ve only “met” a couple of times on Zoom, the camaraderie, casual banter, and collaboration you clearly share is refreshing and inspiring. Looking forward to working with all of you and getting to know you better!”


Mischief Manager

“Bark BARK bark BARK bark barkbarkbark BARK! Ruff ruff!” (loosely translates to: “It’s chilly and I’mma hog the entirety of Dad’s lap and HAY, PAY ATTENTION TO ME andwherearemy treats?!”)