GAVL Legal Marketing Blog

Implement Google AMP on your Law Firm Website Blog

Published on June 30, 2016, by

Web Design

Disclaimer #1: This article gets fairly technical. By now you’ve probably heard about Google AMP, AMP meaning Accelerated Mobile Pages. Then again, perhaps not—especially since you’re a busy lawyer. For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, no problem. Google AMP is a new way to build web pages for static (non-dynamic) content that can load super-fast. It’s primarily directed towards mobile devices. Have you have ever clicked a link while browsing Twitter on your phone wishing it would load faster? We all have. [...]
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Google Confirms .LAWYER and .LAW TLD Addresses Don’t Help SEO

Published on June 16, 2016, by

Digital Marketing News, SEO

If you follow the latest webmaster and SEO blogs, you’re likely familiar with the fact that there’s been a recent push for those keyword-rich .news, .live, .lawyer, .attorney, and .law TLD addresses (top-level domain addresses) that are becoming slightly popular. For those unaware, here’s a brief rundown: Essentially, companies are selling web addresses that make your law firm website URL end in .law or .attorney instead of .com. This end portion is what’s referred to as the top-level domain or TLD portion of your domain name. As unique [...]
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New Design for Coming Soon?

Published on June 8, 2016, by

Digital Marketing News, Web Design

It seems we may be seeing a subtle, new design for sooner than later. Some members of Reddit are reporting a new redesign “test”. The new design only seems to be available for certain web users so far which may confirm its testing status. Google hasn’t made an announcement regarding the redesign at the time of writing this article. The redesign is in-line with the company’s visual design techniques which are part of Google’s Material Design. The changes, rather subtle, are noticeable when comparing two screenshots. Here’s [...]
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Google TestMySite Tool Tests Speed and Mobile-Friendliness

Published on June 3, 2016, by

Digital Marketing News, Web Design

In the past, Google has allowed website owners to test their sites using tools like PageSpeed Insights, PageSpeed Tools, and the company’s Mobile-Friendly Test which focuses on website design. These tools have proven invaluable for experienced website designers and developers, but for small business owners like law firm owners who may prefer tools that are simpler to understand and more user-friendly, there haven’t been many options available. Until now. Released June 2, 2016, the Google TestMySite tool is now available, giving website owners an easy way to see [...]
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Is Your Law Firm Prepared for Voice Search?

Published on May 20, 2016, by


With the ever-increasing arrival of virtual assistants like Siri, Google Voice, Cortana, Amazon Alexa, Viv, and Google Home, our lives and homes are becoming more intertwined with our favorite technological devices every day. These virtual assistants encourage and essentially train us to become more comfortable with having vocal “conversations” with our devices whether we’re instructing them to play a music file, adjust the volume on a video, help us find the nearest grocery store, or perform an online voice search. The recent boost in mobile voice searches shouldn’t [...]
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Top 6 Mistakes Made when Managing a Law Firm Blog

Published on May 11, 2016, by

Legal Content Writing

Blog management for law firms can often seem like a chore. You’re busy managing your firm—how can you possibly have time to keep up with a blog as well? Without updates, a law firm blog is as good as dead, and consistently coming up with new article ideas can be a challenge, especially for practice areas that don’t typically receive a lot of public attention. The good news is that we’ve done a lot of research on law firm blogs. We know what works and what doesn’t. We [...]
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How Google RankBrain Helps Your Law Firm Gain New Clients

Published on May 11, 2016, by


In October 2015, Google talked about a new component of their infamous search engine ranking algorithm which is collectively called “Hummingbird”. This new component is referred to as RankBrain. It uses computer learning to help place search engine results in the ranked lists we see and interact with on a daily basis. Google understandably keeps a tight lid on the exact workings on the company’s entire algorithm in order to keep site owners and SEO experts from min-maxing the algorithm too much, but every now and then the [...]
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Tips for Using Social Media to Generate Legal Client Leads

Published on May 11, 2016, by

Social Media

You’ve probably heard the terms “lead generation” and “lead conversion” before in regards to gaining new legal clients. In legal digital marketing, lead generation is the process of gaining new potential clients after they view your site or social media post and gain an interest in your firm. Lead conversion occurs when those interested potential clients take their interest one step further. Instead of just viewing your website’s front page, a potential client will take a look at social media, they may follow a link and end up [...]
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